Sales by Sales person Report in Accoxi

The report helps to analyze and manage company’s sales volume with the sales persons and also helps to evaluate the performance of each and every sale

Sales By Sales Person


The "Sales by Salesperson Report" provides a concise overview of sales performance attributed to individual salespersons. It includes details such as salesperson names, total sales, number of transactions, and total sales amount. This report helps businesses assess the effectiveness of their sales team and make informed decisions to optimize sales strategies.


Sales By Person Summary

The "Sales by Salesperson Report" facilitates the analysis and management of a company's sales volume attributed to individual salespersons. It aids in evaluating the performance of each salesperson within the organization. The report includes names of salespersons, total sales committed, number of sales invoices, amount of credit notes, and the total invoiced amount by each salesperson. Users can access this report under the sales section in the report module. It serves as a valuable tool for assessing and optimizing the sales team's contributions.






The user has the flexibility to tailor the report data by clicking on this button. The report permits data filtration based on date, and sales person.

Export to Excel

By clicking this button, users can export the report to Excel.

Export to PDF

Clicking this button allows the user to export the report to PDF.


This button enables users to print the report.


To send the report via email, simply click this button. The report in PDF format will be attached to the email, and you can input the recipient's email address, CC address, subject, and any additional details for the email.


The pagination control offers the capability to navigate from one page to another.


Clicking the 'Exit' button allows the user to exit from the report.





The symbol '#' represents the number of lines in the given context.


This field displays the salesperson associated with the invoice.


This column shows the total number of sales invoices committed by the salesperson.

Total Sales

This field displays the total amount of sales invoiced by the salesperson, indicating the cumulative value of their sales transactions.

Credit Notes

This column shows the total amount of credit notes issued by the salesperson, providing insight into the adjustments or returns processed by that individual.

Total Amount

This field shows the sum total amount of sales invoiced by the salesperson, taking into account any deducted returned amounts. Essentially, it reflects the net sales amount after considering returns.

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Frequently Asked Questions?

01How can I track Sales Done by a Sales Person ?

This report helps you to analyze and manage company’s sales volume with the sales person and it also helps to evaluate the performance of each and every sales person in the Organization. This report displays the names of each Sales Person along with the details of total amount of sale they committed, number of sales invoice, amount of credit note and total amount invoiced by the sales person. 

  • Click on Reports Module.
  • Select the option Sales by Sales Person from Sales head.
  • By clicking on the Sales by sales person option, the details will popup on the screen.

02How to take print out of sales details with complete Sales Person list?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the option Sales by Sales Person from Sales head.
  • At the right hand side of the report, there is a Print menu.
  • Click on the Print menu and it opens the print view form.
  • You can set the page range, page height, width and can enter the required number of copies here.
  • Click on the Print menu to get the printout of the report.

03Can I check total number of sales committed by the Sales Person?

  Yes. You can check total number of Sales by Sales Person through sales by sales person report.

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the report Sales by Sales Person from Sales head.
  • Sales by sales person report opens and sale of each sales person are included in the table data. The Count column shows the total number of sales invoice committed by sales person.

04How can I export the data in to Excel format?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the report Sales by Sales Person from Sales head.
  • At the right hand side of the report, there is a Print menu.
  • Click on the Print menu and it opens the print view form.
  • Click on the Export menu at the bottom right side of the page.
  • New tab will appear for save the file. You can select the location to save the file.
  • Click on save button to save the data in Excel format.

05What is the purpose of customize menu option in the Sales Person Report?

Customize menu helps you to filter the data. By clicking on the customize report, you can filter the report by sales person or by date between.

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the report Sales by Sales Person from Sales head.
  • Click on the Customize Report menu.
  • By clicking on the customize report, you can filter the report by sales person or by date between. Select any one of the option to filter the report.
  • Click on Run Report to get the customize data.

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