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How to Generate or Delete E- Way Bill through SMS?

June 24, 2021

How To Generate, Delete E Way Bill Through SMS

How to Generate or Delete E- Way Bill through SMS?

E-way Bill in GST is an electronically generated / electronic bill which is a permit required for inter and intrastate supply of goods worth more than Rs:50,000. E Waybill provides all the details regarding the goods, consignor, transporter, and recipient.

We have already discussed previously as to what is the e-way bill, the process of generating an e-way bill, etc. in detail. Here we are about to touch upon how to generate, modify or delete e-way bills using SMS and the way to SMS sign in.

There are two ways to manage your e-way bill. It could be handled either web-based or via SMS.

If you are supposed to generate multiple e-way bills, you could rely on the web-based facility. However, users who want to generate a single e-way bill or who do not have the access to a website could avail of the facility to generate e-way bills SMS facility which is really helpful at the time of an emergency for the businesses.

How to Register for SMS facility?

  • Firstly login to the e-way bill portal, click on the tab ‘Registration’ and select the option ‘For SMS’
  • Then a screen for the SMS registration would be displayed. There your registered mobile number has to be entered.
  • Click ‘send OTP’.
  • After generating OTP, provide the same in the ‘enter OTP ‘ field.
  • Then click ‘verify OTP’ and click ‘Exit’.
  • After doing so, a screen would be shown, with the User IDs displayed.
  • Choose the user ID from the dropdown option, if the user obtained multiple user ID from the same Registered number.
  • By clicking ‘Submit’ the particular user would be able to generate an e-way bill via SMS mode.

It is to be noted that you can register only two mobile numbers against a GSTIN for the SMS facility.

How to use the SMS facility for Creating/Canceling E-way Bill in GST?

Certain SMS codes have been there for using SMS facility for e-way bills. All the SMS codes would be mentioned below at the appropriate place in detail. As the supplier or transporter relies on this facility they have to ensure that error-free information is provided. For instance, EWBG stands for E-way Bill Generate request for suppliers and EWBT stands for E-way Bill Generate Request for transporters. Likewise, EWBV stands for E-way Bill Vehicle update and EWBC stands for E-Way Bill Cancellation. So be careful with the codes.

E-way Bill Generation via SMS

Text the message with an SMS code and send it to the mobile number of the state from which the user is operating and registered. Eg. For the generation of e-way bill/cancellation, type the code giving a single space and wait for the validation. Now let us examine how it works.

1. Generate E-way Bill for Suppliers.

If you are a supplier you can generate an e-way bill via SMS.  Let us see how to proceed.

Format of the SMS : EWBG / TranType / RecGSTIN/ DelPinCode / InvNo / InvDate / TotalValue / HSNCode / ApprDist / Vehicle.

Then this SMS in the prescribed format to the registered mobile number of the state from which the user operates. Eg: 9xxxxxxxx9 in Kerala

Explanation: Mr.X of Trivandrum, Kerala deliveries goods worth Rs 1,00,000 with HSN Code 8325, against an invoice created No. 1105 dated 15/06/2021 to a unit of Mr. X2 at Kochi, Kerala through vehicle no KL 01 H 1015 covering a distance of 199 KM. The text SMS has to be typed by Mr. X would be: ‘’ EWBG OSUP 32AXXXXXXXX66950141105 15/06/2021 100000.00 8325 199 KL01H1015’’. This SMS is required to be sent to 9xxxxxxxx9 (officially registered for Kerala users). Unless an error is found, the user could get a reply message as follows: ‘E-way bill generated successfully, E-way bill no 1xxxxxxxxx7 and the date is  15/06/2021’.

The expanded form of the SMS format 
EWBG / TranType / RecGSTIN/ DelPinCode / InvNo / InvDate / TotalValue / HSNCode / ApprDist / Vehicle
  • EWBG - E-way bill Generation for Registered Businesses (Fixed value).
  • TranType - Transaction Type (Value will depend on the type of transaction as listed below)
  1. OSUP – Outward Supply
  2. OEXP –Outward Export
  3. OJOB – Outward Job Work
  4. OSCD – Outward SKD / CKD
  5. ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known
  6. OFOU – Outward For Own Use
  7. OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs
  8. OLNS – Outward Line Sales
  9. OOTH – Outward Others
  10. ISUP – Inward Supply
  11. IIMP – Inward Import
  12. ISCD – Inward SKD/CKD
  13. IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns
  14. ISLR – Inward Sales Returns
  15. IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs
  16. IOTH – Inward Others
  • RecGSTIN - Recipient's GSTIN or URP if he/she is an unregistered person (15 digits or URP).
  • DelPinCode - PIN Code of the place of delivery as per the invoice (6 digits).
  • InvNo – Invoice / Bill number (Maximum of 15 characters which may be alphanumeric with "-" and "/" being the only permitted special characters).
  • InvDate - Invoice / Bill date (In DD/MM/YYYY format).
  • TotalValue - Total Invoice / Bill value (Maximum of 15 digits with 2 decimal places).
  • HSN Code – HSN Code (At least 2 digits).
  • ApprDist – Approximate Distance in KMs (Numeric).
  • Vehicle - Vehicle number which will carry the goods (KL43H1122 / KL44G2345/ format).

2. Generate E-way bill for Transporters

If you are a transporter you can also generate an e-way bill via SMS.  Let us see how to proceed.

Format of the SMS: EWBT TranType SuppGSTIN RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist  Vehicle.

Then this SMS in the prescribed format will be send to the registered mobile number of the state from which the user operates. Eg: 9xxxxxxxx9 in Kerala.

Explanation: 3X transport of Trivandrum, Kerala a GTA delivering goods worth Rs.200000 bearing HSN Code 8325, on behalf of Mr. X of Trivandrum, Kerala, against the invoice No 567 dated 21/05/2021 to a unit of Mr. X2 at Kochi, Kerala through Vehicle no KL01 H1015 covering a distance of 199 KM. The text SMS has to be typed in by the operator at 3X transports would be: ‘’EWBT OSUP 32XXXXXXXXXXX6 32XXXXXXXXXXXP 695014567 21/05/2021 200,000.00 8325 199 KL01H1015’’. This SMS is required to be sent to 9xxxxxxxx9 (officially registered for Kerala users). Unless an error is found, the user could get a reply as message just like: ‘E-way bill generated successfully, E-way bill no 1xxxxxxxxx8 and the date is 21/05/2021’.

The expanded form of the SMS format
EWBT / TranType / SuppGSTIN / RecGSTIN / DelPinCode / InvNo / InvDate / TotalValue / HSNCode / ApprDist / Vehicle


  • EWBT - E-way bill Generation for Transporters (Fixed value).
  • TranType – Transaction Type (Value will depend on the type of transaction as listed below).
  1. OSUP – Outward Supply
  2. OEXP – Outward Export
  3. OJOB – Outward Job Work
  4. OSCD – Outward SKD / CKD
  5. ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known
  6. OFOU – Outward For Own Use
  7. OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs
  8. OLNS – Outward Line Sales
  9. OOTH – Outward Others
  10. ISUP – Inward Supply
  11. IIMP – Inward Import
  12. ISCD – Inward SKD/CKD
  13. IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns
  14. ISLR – Inward Sales Returns
  15. IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs
  16. IOTH – Inward Others
  • SuppGSTIN - Supplier's GSTIN or URP if he/she is an unregistered person (15 digits or URP).
  • RecGSTIN - Recipient's GSTIN or URP if he/she is an unregistered person (15 digits or URP).
  • DelPinCode - PIN Code of the place of delivery as per the invoice (6 digits).
  • InvNo – Invoice / Bill number (Maximum of 15 characters which may be alphanumeric with "-" and "/" is the only permitted special characters).
  • InvDate - Invoice / Bill date (In DD/MM/YYYY format).
  • TotalValue - Total Invoice / Bill value (Maximum of 15 digits with 2 decimal places).
  • HSN Code – HSN Code (At least 2 digits).
  • ApprDist – Approximate Distance in KMs (Numeric).
  • Vehicle - Vehicle number which will carry the goods ( KL43H1122 / KL44G2345/format).

3. Updating Vehicle Number via SMS 

You can also update your vehicle no of the e-way bill via SMS. Let’s see how to proceed. The format of SMS: EWBV EWB_NO Vehicle ReasCode Then sends this SMS to the registered mobile number of the State from which you operate. Eg: 9xxxxxxxx9 in Kerala. Explanation: 3X transport of Trivandrum, Kerala a GTA delivering goods worth Rs.200000 bearing HSN Code 8325, on behalf of Mr. X of Trivandrum, Kerala, against the invoice No 567 dated 21/05/2021 to a unit of Mr. X2 at Kochi, Kerala through Vehicle no KL01 H1015 covering a distance of 199 KM has generated the e-way bill no 1xxxxxxxxx8 dated  21/05/2021. Imagine the vehicle breaks down on the way on 21/05/2021 evening and 3X transport makes an alternative arrangement with another vehicle bearing registration no KL01G 1573 for transporting consignment to the destination. The SMS to be typed in by the operator at 3X transport would be EMBV 1xxxxxxxxx8 KL01G1573 BRK’’. The SMS is required to be sent to 9xxxxxxxx9 (officially registered for Kerala users). Unless an error is found, the user could get a reply message as follows: ‘Vehicle details updated successfully and date is 21/05/2021.  

Note: A couple of things to be remembered with relation to updating the e-way bill via SMS mode as following:

  • Vehicle number updating is possible only for the taxpayer who has generated the e-way bill or authorized transporter at the time of generating the e-way bill.
  • If the validity period as per distance mentioned in the e-way bill is expired, vehicle updating would not be allowed.
The expanded form of the SMS format
EWBV / EWB_NO / Vehicle / ReasCode
  • EWBV - E-way bill Vehicle Updation (Fixed value).
  • EWB_NO – E-way bill Number (12 digits).
  • Vehicle - Vehicle number which will carry the goods (AB12AB1234 / AB12A1234 / AB121234 / ABC1234 format).
  • ReasCode - Reason for changing the vehicle (Value will depend on the reasons as listed below)
  1. FST – First Vehicle
  2. BRK – Break Down
  3. TRS – Transhipment
  4. OTH – Others

How to Cancel an E-way Bill via SMS?

You also have an option to cancel your e-way bill via SMS mode. The format of SMS is EWBC EWB_NO. Then send this SMS to the registered mobile no of the state which you operate eg: 9xxxxxxxx9 in Kerala. Explanation: Mr. X of Kerala wants to cancel the e-way bill generated by him bearing no 1XXXXXXXXXX6. The SMS to be typed in by Mr. X would be: ‘’EWBC 1XXXXXXXXXXX6’’. This SMS is required to be sent to 9XXXXXXXX9’’ mobile no officially registered for Kerala users. Unless an error is found, the user could get a reply message as follows: ‘e-way bill is cancelled successfully. In case of errors in the SMS, it is sent to the user accordingly.

The expanded form of the SMS format
  • EWBC - E-way bill Cancellation (Fixed value).
  • EWB_NO – E-way bill Number (12 digits).

Certain Points to be Noted

  • Only the person who generated the e-way bill could cancel the e-way bill under GST.
  • E-way bill cancellation has to be done within 24 hours of the generation of the e-way bill.
  • E-way bill can’t be cancelled if it’s get verified


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